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BOXES beyond borders


Noni Kaur
Singapore 2001

…woman’s sexuality, as spectator, must undergo a constant process of transformation. She must take, as if she were a man, the phallic power of the gaze, at a woman who would attract that gaze, in order to be that woman…

An attempt at examining issues pertaining to female sexuality, sensuality, cultural attitudes and ideas are my main concerns, which include the engagement and celebration of the body.

…a journey, which is both a conscious and subconscious process, through my body prints and food spices installations. These are born out of trans-cultural experiences and transcend apparent boundaries such as the celebrations of the human form and sexuality and sensuality. Whether or not femininity results in an unconscious symbolism, I choose to work with components of a visual vocabulary to achieve works in personal content that can be read by a larger audience.

I still have to question every assumption, every reaction I have, as a result of being culturally conditioned. The expression of my sensibilities and concerns is not a politicized feminism but more of a psychic bonding to my femaleness, Amen.