What the Women Gave Me
Diana Robson
Australia 1999
The making of this second box afforded me the opportunity to reflect on and celebrate the many wonderful and precious things given to me by women; artists friends colleagues, and strangers whom I will never meet, who share like souls…
To the Ngarrindjeri* Woman who taught me how to weave, and gave me a part of her culture…
To the Women who nurtured and encouraged my talents and refused to let me give up…
To the communities of Women who have taken part in Women Beyond Borders…
Thank you.
* Ngarrindjeri (pronounced narr-ind-jerri), people are indigenous Australians, originally from South Australia. These people traditionally wove to make traps and baskets in which to gather, store and carry their food and bury their dead. Today few Ngarrindjeri know how to weave.
The Women's Voices: Diana Robson from WOMEN BEYOND BORDERS on Vimeo.