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BOXES beyond borders

Notions of Change

Andrea Tierney
UK 2000

On receiving “the box” I had an overwhelming feeling, that the box somehow needed to be destroyed. But how?

The notion of destruction carries a negative taste in our society. However, the box, as symbol of the way we are forced to live and think, needed to be destroyed. How could I make the act of destruction a positive one? The answer lies in the notion of change. Change is the most constant force active in nature and our lives. The laws of change and transformation are natural laws, more important and fundamental to life on the planet than the laws of constancy and preservation.

To express this I did the following:

I decided to break the box into three parts: lid, main body, and head and foot piece.

The lid I buried in the ground to let it decompose.

The main body I burned until only the charred remains were left.

The head/foot piece I subjected to the physical force of a grater to break it into its smallest visible parts.