New Apple, New Manifesto
Magda Eunice Sánchez
Guatemala 1997
For a long time, the apple has been a metaphor of the female’s voice, of Eve’s voice, the voice that carried Adam to the supposed sin and expulsion from paradise. Woman has endured this sinful story for centuries. The same tale is connected to the traditional story of Pandora’s Box. Pandora’s curiosity leads her to open a box that the gods have forbidden. Her sentence is to find within all the evils of the world.
However, in this apple I present a new voice, one of many women who fight for their dignity. It is placed upon a stand and framed as an homage to the women who in the Asia, Africa, Europe, etc. struggle against practices that have put them in positions that are submissive, second class, and at times inhumane.
This new apple is a new manifesto, that of the creative woman who has had to fight for her space and had to change old meanings.