The Battlefield of Selfhood/ A Box of Empty Shells to Ponder
Lorraine Serena
USA - California 1995
Beings killing out of jealousy, rage,
betrayal, revenge, self righteousness.
Some die without a loss of body though —
through abuse and intimidation, disagreement.
Untamed emotions creating a battlefield within.
Un-conquered, raw, heartless.
The primary battlefield.
Led from the mind, from the heat of hatred,
destroying another, destroying the Self.
Hear the names of outer battlefields —
Bosnia, Iraq,
Oklahoma City, Somalia, subways in Japan.
In the home,
Couples turning from lovers to killers.
Children killing children.
Anger looming in the human heart —
on the loose, unpredictable.
Where is the greatest battlefield to conquer,
on the terrain or in the heart?
Where to fight the battle?
A box of empty shells to ponder.